8 Months of Mars in Gemini – 2022

Today the planet Mars (action, drive, desire, leadership, warrior) enters the sign of Gemini (communication, speaking, writing, teaching, the intellect).
This time around is unusual because Mars normally stays in a sign for 7 weeks, but will remain in Gemini (due to retrogrades) for over 8 months.
Many people fear the directness and passion of Mars and often associate the planet’s energy only with its low sides of anger, aggression, frustration and battle.
And Mars can bring these energies up for us, when we are not in alignment with ourselves.
Which is why it’s important to self care, explore different ways to release your frustrations in healthy ways.
Physical activities like sports, dance, weight training, martial arts are great to help move the Mars energies through you instead of allowing them to get stuck in your energy field and come out through your words (Gemini) in ways you may later regret.
Because Gemini governs speech, and intellect, it can be more likely right now that the frustrations we may be feeling come out through our words and can cause unintended harm.
Be mindful of this over the next 8 months, and come back to your self care practices to help release this energy. And get ready to give some genuine apologies out where appropriate.
The higher sides of Mars in Gemini energy can be added passion and drive to explore new and exciting ideas and take action on them – turning creative projects into realities! Exploring concepts and ideas you never were interested in before. Allowing yourself to explore ideas and concepts that are totally new to you, and use your excitement to inspire others – all for the highest good of all
It will be a journey for sure, and though we will all feel these energies in our own unique ways, on a bigger level, we are all in this together.
It’s a great opportunity to become the ‘luminous warrior’ – a peaceful warrior, standing in their power (not grasping to control others). One that has no enemies.
Get excited by new ideas, find ways to allow any frustrated energy to move through you (physical activities or breath work) and allow this energy to inspire yourself and others.
Lots of Love to All