Shamanic Energy Medicine

Rainbow Crystalline Rays in Abydos
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Rainbow Crystalline Rays in Abydos

Solar Rays at 11:11, in Abydos Temple in Egypt ✨🤍☀️ I (Amanda) was here on October 22nd, just a few days before the powerful Solar Eclipse – receiving heart healing, activations & inspirations for Phoenix Star Alchemy’s exciting future offerings. We will be announcing more on this in the next few months! 😊💜 For now,…

Shamanic Energy Tools: Mesa & Feather
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Shamanic Energy Tools: Mesa & Feather

Charging some of our Shamanic Energy Medicine tools in the powerful solar rays This is my personal Mesa. Each Mesa consists of a ‘mestana’ (sacred alter cloth) and 13 medicine stones we have used in our own personal transformation journey, and infused with powerful medicine These medicine stones, also called Kuyas, and this Mesa have…