All Beings Have Value & Purpose

Dear ones,
You are an incredible being, created with light and on a journey through this world in a physical body. What a journey this is, not a single journey is the same and not a single soul is identical.
Looking at this from an energetic perspective, the universe and creation is gigantic. One might feel small when looking at it from a universal point of view, but I am here to tell you that you are not small. You are here for a reason. Your soul has a purpose and every living being has their own purpose and mission here on this earth. Some are here for their own experience and growth, which is important for their souls journey. Every single soul has lessons and growth here. Some have roles they are here to play, in the dynamic of the whole world and they all carry a puzzle piece in the big picture.
Some souls are here to lift and carry the heavy energies and chose to take on a huge task for the greater good. Some are here to be light bringers and help other souls awaken and remember who they are and where they come from. Some are here to heal and bring peace, love, healing and compassion. Some are here to experience good and bad, pain and happiness. Some are here to heal the earth and raise awareness and consciousness. Some are here to experience darkness and their shadow sides. Some are here to learn forgiveness. Some are here to learn about the human emotions and experience. And some are here just for the journey on this 3D-plane.
Everyone has a story and a book to write. Everyone has a purpose here, even the smallest beings here, every plant and animal, every human and every particle. Know that you are a piece in the most incredible painting, and even if you find yourself feeling insignificant and small, you are not. You have a purpose, for the circles around you, in some way.
Some create smaller circles and some create bigger ones. Depending on the effect they create and actions they make. Be true to yourself and be grateful for the part you have in this world, and create the life your soul wish to live. It’s never too late to change and create.
You are all incredible beings, respect each other and show compassion and love for each living being here. You share this Earth, you share the ground you walk on and the air you breath. Share it with love and respect.
Give a helping hand, give a smile or a kind word on your journey, to a two-legged, four-legged, plant or whatever living being you meet. Meet them with love, compassion and non-judgement.
Remember that we all share this beautiful earth. And that every being has a value and purpose here. Carry yourself with an open heart and lead with love and compassion.