Being in Flow & Trust

When we are in a state of flow, we trust and surrender to Spirit, the Universe and to life. We trust our intuition and inner knowing, and we let go of the need to control and overanalyze everything.
It’s about trusting that everything happens for a reason, even when we can’t make sense of things right away. Keeping faith and having trust, let’s us release heaviness, control, expectations and negative energies.
We can’t control everything in life and sometimes life brings us on paths we never expected or planned. When we are in a state of flow, we trust the path and in Spirit’s guidance and plan for us.
We trust that everything will work out for the best, one way or the other, even when we can’t see the path ahead or what’s to come. We let go, we surrender and trust, and we have faith.
Often when life gets tough, we grasp the straws of control, certainty and knowing. We search for answers outside of ourselves and in fear of the unknown or not being in control, we spiral into a negative loop and become more and more out of balance and alignment, and fear and anxiety often takes over. When this happens we detach ourselves from our soul and center, our survival instincts often kick in and and the fight-or-flight response turns on.
When we are in the state of flow, we have clear and strong connection to our intuition. We are centered and balanced within ourselves and life flows like a beautiful current taking us on new adventures.
We experience synchronicity and things happen the way they’re suppose to, and synchronicity becomes a beautiful gift we experience and receive in our daily life.
Being in the state of flow is basically about trust. Trusting in life, yourself, your intuition, going within, trusting in Spirit and letting go of fear and doubt. It’s also about continuing to be open to possibilities, being curious and conscious, and having a positive and calm trust within you, even when life doesn’t go your way.
When life gets hard we often lose our balance and sense of grounding, we let the storm carry us on a turbulent roller coaster ride where we become fearful, doubtful, out of balance and control, and we often lose ourselves in the storm.
When we are in the energy of flow and trust, we stand grounded, balanced and calm in the eye of the storm, observing and having faith in the process. We stay centered within ourselves, instead of losing ourselves in the storm.
This is something we must learn to practice. Trust and acceptance, surrendering and having faith in the flow of life, is not something that usually comes natural to us, often our human instincts, ego and fear takes over instead.
Practicing this 5-10 minutes every day can make a huge shift in your life. And it will change your life and perception completely.
Lots of love <3