Cancer Season – 2022

Cancer is a water sign, ruled by the Moon
An intuitive & receptive energy that vibrates to the mantra: I feel
The symbol for Cancer is the crab with it’s tough outer shell protecting it’s soft, vulnerable inside from the outside world.
We can connect with the energy of Cancer in its crab form. We too create and re-create our ‘shell’ – both our shield of protection and our nurturing home environment.
Every time we outgrow the protection of our ‘old shell,’ it’s necessary to shed it. This shedding allows us to grow a larger shell in it’s place – providing room for us to expand into our new cycle of experiences.
Dropping our defensive shell can leave us vulnerable & open to the risk of feeling the pain we so greatly fear, but the cost of ‘playing it safe’ and staying the same can be higher – stuck in a shell that is clearly too small for us, and not growing and expanding into more of who we really are. Not living life.
Doing the inner work – creating a safe environment (emotionally, physically, energetically) and feeling our feelings deeply, without judgment is what brings the power of healing & regeneration.
It’s important to discern when, where and with whom we lower our defences for/to. Creating a safe home/space is vital at this time and for our ability to recover and regenerate ourselves. This can be a physical home, an energetic or emotional feeling of safety and comfort and/or a safe and supportive group of family, friends and/or community.
Self care and self protection are very important at this time. Feel into your heart space to connect further with your intuitive gifts and regenerative power.
If you are needing extra support at this time, during the Cancer Sun Season (June 21 – July 22) or beyond, please reach out to a loved one and/ or a professional you trust.
If you feel called to work with Madelene or myself (Amanda), private message us and we’ll be in touch soon
And remember, You Are Love & You Are Loved