Co-Creating Our Reality

“You’ve got to be honest with yourself about how much you participate in your own suffering.” – Ash Alves
Our mind can create lies and untrue stories, especially when we are in the fight-or-flight state. It can create 10 chickens out of just 1 tiny feather, just by thought alone.
When we are in stress, we are not in alignment and balance with ourselves. And when we are not balanced and centered we are often making bad decisions because our instincts go bad.
There’s a difference between pain and suffering. Our thoughts can hold us in the state of suffering by thinking negative thoughts and focus on the things that is or has been painful in our life.
When we tell stories about our pain, over and over, we continue the cycle of suffering and we create the suffering in our life ourselves by what we focus our thoughts on.
We are responsible for our thoughts. And we can choose whether to think positive and creative thoughts which will raise our vibrations and create a better life and health. Or, we can choose to focus on negative and painful thoughts, which will only lead to more suffering, create disease, invite in more negative energies and keep us in a loop of everything that we don’t want in our life.
We can choose how long we stay in pain. Even when we experience grief or sorrow, we must of course go through the stages of grief and let the emotions flow through us and be felt for as long as we need to. But how long we stay in the emotional state of grief over time, that is actually something we can choose ourselves. It sounds easy and I know it’s not always as easy as it sounds, it takes practice and being conscious.
Let yourself feel the emotions and go through the process, but don’t drown in it and stay there.
Don’t let it become who you are and the force you feed to rule your life.
Let go of the suffering and choose to let yourself move forward to the next stage in your life, and let healing take place so you can grow and find your way back to balance and inner peace again.
“Healing also means taking an honest look at the role you play in your own suffering.”
Lots of love <3