Creating A New & Better World

Beautiful Soul, life is not always easy and blissful, but it is an adventure you have chosen to walk for your own soul’s growth and experience.
Do not despair when things are hard, energies can always be shifted and raised. You are never alone, your guides are by your side and you are not a lonely soul on this Earth plane. Be brave, know you are always taken care of and you are always safe within your own soul.
There are many huge energy shifts happening in this time and it can feel challenging and like a struggle. We understand. It’s a time of awakening, of becoming who you are meant to be, who your soul chose to be here on this planet in this life time.
Know that your guides are with you, by your side, even though you can not see them or touch them. They are there. Feel them with your heart, your senses and know you are never alone.
Time has come for many souls to start their healing journey, back to their true light and essence.
It’s not a time to walk in the footsteps of the old and outdated programs of society, that time has passed and now it’s time to create and rise up into a new and better self.
The world needs change, the living beings on this wonderful planet Earth, needs conscious, awakened and empathic souls now.
It has been challenging times for a long time now and Mother Earth needs love and care, so does every living being we share the air, water and planet with.
Ask yourself how you can become the version of yourself your soul needs you to be. Ask yourself how you can bring more love and compassion to life around you. We all have a responsibility to be kind to others and to ourselves.
It is time for the soul to come forth and rise up, and for the ego to become silenced and no longer have the control in the front seat.
Let go of the old and shift into a higher consciousness and state of being. Elevate your vibration.
Become your truest self.
You are not alone. You are loved. You are light within your soul. You are a beautiful being, here on Earth, having a human experience with human emotions. But within this body, you are pure love and light. Remember who you are.
Be love, breath love, act love, speak love, give love and know that you are lovable.
Walk with courage and light, and welcome the New Age of Awakened Souls, the souls of rainbow light and healing. Be love and let your soul guide you on your journey.
Thank you, Aho.
(This is a channeled message from my guides, which I was meant to share with you all.)