Crystalized Extractions

A big part of the Shamanic Energy healing is the Extraction Process. In our sessions we remove something called Crystallized Energies. These are toxic energies that have become crystallized and are almost like material objects, which has embedded themselves in the physical body. Generally in joints and organs. We often see these crystallized energies in different shapes like daggers, swords, knives, spears and arrows.
Often these intrusive energies are caused by other peoples anger, hatred, jealousy, and negative emotions, directed at you by someone you know, usually from someone close to you.
These crystallized energies can also be from past lives, from physical objects you got wounded, hurt or killed by, which has left a luminous imprint in your energy field. With that crystallized energy lies a story from that past life, often of how you got killed. These crystallized energies take shape of the ancestral ways that you died. When this is the case and crystallized energies from past lives come up like this, we as Shamans can find different things like ropes, chains, armors, bullets, hooks, glass pieces, swords, knives, spears, poisonous arrows and so much more. We have to find and track for these intrusive energies and extract them from your body and energy field.
The Amazon Shamans believe that crystallized energies are caused by sorcery or black magic, which in a way is true when you look at energies as light or dark. When someone sends dark and negative energies, intentions and thoughts to you, it can in a way be looked at or described as sorcery.
When the energies have become crystallized, it means that they are very old, they are ancient. While resent energies are fluid and have not become crystallized energies in the body yet. We work in two different ways to extract crystallized and fluid energies.
For example when someone is very jealous or envious of you, they send and direct negative energies to you, which can cause disease in your body and be very destructive for your body, health and energy. This can be very intrusive for your energy field and embed itself in your body, like dark energies, spears or daggers. All of us experience intrusive energies, and many of us are very vulnerable to these energies and we are like pincushions, where toxic pins are getting stuck to our back with negative energies.
These intrusive energies can come from a boss, colleague, family member, loved one, partner, friend, etc. Because they can come from someone we once loved and respected, we become more vulnerable to get these intrusive energies directed towards us and our immune system will not recognize the energies as toxic.
These energies can affect many parts of our body in a negative way.
Intrusive energies can cause many different health problems like pains, frozen shoulders, pains in organs, imbalances in the body, blockages, etc.
We are trained to find and track for these crystallized energies and we also work on changing the affinity in your body, which makes you susceptible for these energies.
Lots of love and light