December 2022 Cosmic Events

There are lots of cosmic shifts coming up this month ✨
Here’s a little heads up to help you prepare 💜
Dec. 3 – Neptune (planet of dreams, visions, fantasy & illusions) Direct in Pisces (sign of Spirituality, oneness, unity consciousness & imagination). Pay attention to your dreams & visions as this is a forward direction into the mystical & watery subconscious realms. Great opportunity to bring more awareness & healing to the areas in life you tend to ‘escape’ or ‘check out’ from.
Dec. 7 – Full Moon in Gemini – shedding light on the ways you communicate, think & process information. Great opportunity to practice seeing a situation from a totally different point of view to gain a new perspective on an old problem / block / issue / pattern. More on this in a future post.
Dec. 20 – Jupiter (planet of luck, expansion, blessings, wisdom, optimism) enters Aries (sign of taking action, pioneering spirit, leadership, I AM presence, aggression & impatience (with self or others). Powerful opportunity to connect with your soul’s purpose & take inspired action on it to move in the direction of your biggest dreams. Try not to become too impatient with yourself if you feel you should be ‘further ahead’ than you are – you are exactly where you need to be. You have the heart, the vision, the drive, the forward momentum & the luck on your side 🌟
Dec. 21 – Winter Solstice (in the Northern Hemisphere) & Sumner Solstice (in the Southern Hemisphere) + Capricorn Season starts. Celebrating the sacred Light within the sacred Dark. Longest night of the year in the North & the longest day of the year in the South. Practice holding the ‘both and’ of this season and feeling gratitude for the slower days, rest, rejuvenation & regeneration and nourishment the darkness brings, & the vitality, life force energy, vibrant rebirth & creative outward actions that the light brings. Ground yourself to Mother Earth’s energy to connect back to your inner wisdom & patience, so when you do move forward next, you can do so with all the right resources.
Dec. 23 – New Moon in Capricorn – setting intentions related to success (personal & professional). More on this in a future post.