Feeling Anger, Grief & Fear is OK

I’m gona be real…
I’ve personally felt intense feelings of ‘sacred rage’ surface these past few days.
Anytime a person or group attempts to control and dominate another person or group, intense feelings rise up within me.
This is my sacred ‘No’ letting me know what my boundaries are, what my values are, what my fears are and what my limits are.
‘Power over’ another is not ok.
‘Power under’ another is not ok.
‘Power with’ another is where true power actually exists
We can see the challenges of our time as us ‘regressing’ as a society, or…
We can see things as the opportunity they are to come together, honour our differences and simultaneously connect through our similarities.
When processing my emotions, time in nature is a must. It is how I self care, how I come back in alignment and balance and how I can shift my perception of reality and see the beauty around me again.
Listening to the wind in the trees and the songs of the birds, seeing the sunlight sparkle through the leaves, and butterflies dance through the air – all help me connect back to the present moment and back to my true state of inner peace
Feeling anger, grief and fear is ok, and very natural. As long as we don’t get stuck in those feelings. As long as we process and release them.
When we honour our feelings, we honour ourselves and we can show up more authentically in the world – and from that place, we create powerful change
Our feelings are powerful guidelines for our values and boundaries And, if we don’t like the feeling we are experiencing, we can change it by acknowledging it, releasing it and coming back home to ourselves.
Anger, sadness, fear etc. are not our true states – but they are feelings we can feel that can lead us to inspired action.
Time in nature & breath work can really shift our perspective, perception and energy.
After processing my emotions, and coming back to my ‘home’ energy, I now realize that my limits to feel compassion for self and others was reached … until I allowed it to expand
What helps you process your emotions?
Lots of Love,
Co-Founder of Phoenix Star Alchemy, Mystic Astrologer & Shamanic Energy Practitioner