Fight or Flight Response

“Fight-or-flight is an ancient survival system programmed into our brain that helps us flee tigers or prepare to fight them. It is meant to turn on when we face peril, and off so we can relax again after the danger passes. But if you are born into a family that is not safe, your fight-or-flight system can be turned on even before birth, and keep you in a world that is not safe, where you cannot trust others emotionally and where you are certain that life will not support your dreams and endeavors. Your fears become a self-fulfilling prophecy, and depression sets in.” – Alberto Villoldo, Ph.D.
When we experience trauma, our survival instincts kick in and the fight-or-flight response in our body is switched on.
Every animal has a reset button for the fight-or-flight system, but humans do not. Some people live with this fight-or-flight system turned on the whole time, some even since birth. For people living with this system turned on all the time, it can be hard to know how to feel safe in the world and at peace. Being in that state might be all they know, so it might feel unfamiliar at first when their fight-or-flight is being reset, but once you start feeling more calm and relaxed, you will experience the world with new eyes.
When this survival system in our brain is switched on, the body produces cortisol (the stress hormone) and adrenaline, which are steroid hormones that are toxic and deadly to our brain neurons. Our body goes into huge amounts stress when our fight-or-flight system turns on, and we know that stress is extremely toxic and damaging for the body and brain.
When you face or perceive danger or a traumatic situation occurs, however big or small, or you are in stress and anxiety, or something triggers or scares you in life, you will go into fight, flight or freeze mode. The more you are able to calm this system in your body, the quicker you will be able to find peace again when being triggered in a challenging, stressful or fearful situation.
The fight-or-flight system is very difficult to reset, but the ancient Shamans found a way to reset this system energetically. This will help your world become safe again, and you will feel more peaceful, calm and relaxed. This is a technique we have been trained to practice for our clients to help calm their nervous system.
Today people live in so much stress in their daily life because of how society has become. Stress is the biggest cause of so many illnesses, like heart disease and cancer.
The process of resetting the fight-or-flight system is called “Decoupling” and it is one of the most powerful healing techniques we use with our clients.
When we use the decoupling technique you will experience more peace and calmness in your body, and you will sleep and rest more deeply. Your mind will also become more clear and you will be able to meditate and go deeper within. Your cortisol and stress levels will also drop.
It is very hard to reset our own fight-or-flight system, but it can be very powerful when we do the decoupling process for you. In our Energy Medicine training we practiced this on each other throughout the whole training and it has been life changing for me and so many others.
This is one of many of the techniques we use on our clients to help them reach their highest healing state. And we can do this remotely, as well as in person.
We wish you a wonderful and peaceful day <3