Following Your Intuition This Leo New Moon

Soaking up some Cosmic Solar Rays before the New Moon in Leo tomorrow!
I took time to rest, slow down and receive yesterday.
Allowed my heart to guide me to the ocean. (And here’s the important part: I actually listened to my heart / intuition! )
Wasn’t sure why I needed to go exactly, but then opened up to connect to the present moment – releasing all expectations and the ‘need to know’ and just allowed myself to ‘be’ in the moment…
Gratefully received the beautiful solar rays of the current Leo Sun in many forms today!
I feel refreshed, renewed, rejuvenated & am connecting to my intuition in very new and different ways
What is your beautiful heart asking of you in this moment?
Stop and take a minute to listen.
And follow it’s loving guidance – it will never lead you astray.
It wants the very best for you – and Leo season (and the Leo New Moon) is a powerful time to build your connection / relationship with it.
If you feel your heart voice / guidance may be weighed down, blocked, hard to hear or ‘heavy’ energetically (this can show up as feelings of grief, betrayal, loss of trust in yourself, chest congestion, difficulty breathing & more) message us (Amanda & Madelene) and we can support the clearing of this heavy energy from your energy field – so you can then begin to heal on emotional & physical levels in ways that last.
Because we work with energy, we work remotely / online mostly – so if you don’t live near us physically, that is ok – the work is just as powerful.
Happy Heart Connecting / Repairing / Healing.
Lots of Love to All <3