Full Moon in Aries 2022

The energy of this Full Moon is powerful
As the Sun remains in the sign of Libra, the moon is in the opposite sign of Aries.
Both Libra & Aries hold high & low energies. During the Full Moon, you’re invited to see where in your life you are holding / expressing the lower energies of each & where you are holding / expressing the higher energies of each.
High Expressions of Libra are: unconditional love, beauty, harmony, healthy relationships / partnerships, justice & equality.
Low Expressions of Libra are: conditional love, co-dependency, vanity, martyrdom, manipulation & judgement.
High Expressions of Aries are: I Am presence, bravery, courage, peaceful warrior/ess spirit, inner power, assertiveness & pioneering spirit.
Low Expressions of Aries are: selfishness, aggression/anger, power over others & war.
Try not to judge yourself if you find you are connecting with the lower energies of either or both. This awareness you now have is the first step in creating change – and this Full Moon is a powerful time to release the lower energies/habits/expressions/patterns of both Libra & Aries, so you can align with the higher energies of each.
So, for example, where in your life do you feel anger (low expression of Aries) rise up?
Anger is not always ‘bad.’ It’s just not a high vibration to be in for long (this takes the judgement out of it).
Anger can be a sign that our boundaries have been crossed. It’s important not to ignore our feelings of anger (they can explode later on at an inappropriate time, or be suppressed internally and then be expressed as depression).
When we acknowledge and then release these heavy emotions (in healthy ways & with the least amount of judgement possible) they move through us so much faster and then don’t stay stuck in our energy and bodies for to long, where they may create other issues down the road.
You are invited to go through the list of High & Low Expressions of Libra and Aries, and bring awareness to the areas in your life you express these.
This Full Moon in Aries, you are asked to align with your courage & warrior spirit in order to take a clear look at yourself and where you are wanting / needing to make changes.
The beautiful thing is, we are all connected. So when you bravely do self care & inner work to make changes from within, you automatically show up in your relationships (Libra) differently.
When you change, your relationships change. The relationships that are healthy, will be supportive of your inner work. The relationships that are unhealthy, may not like the changes you’ve made and try to bring you back to old, unhealthy patterns (unconsciously of course). This just means you may be outgrowing the unhealthy relationships. Maybe there is more growing you are needing to do.
This may be a blessing, showing you the relationships you desire to nurture and focus on more, and the ones you wish to focus less of your attention on, & some you may even feel a need to end completely. This is all ok.
Use the power of fire to help you release what no longer serves you, and alchemize it for your Highest Good & the Highest Good of All.
Have a fire or a candle flame (Aries is a fire element) and with your intention, release into the fire all that you are ready to let go of. All that is holding you back and weighing you down from your inner power and Highest Self. You can write these out on pieces of paper & burn them in the flame safely, or blow them into a toothpick to then burn in the fire. Or just imagine/visualize the flames burning it all away.
Then, imagine yourself taking in the light of the fire to any and all chakras you feel could use this powerful energy. You can use your hands to bring this light into your chakras. When you feel complete, thank the fire for its assistance in your transformational journey.
Full Moon energies are most powerful the night of, the night before and the night after the Full Moon. And continue to integrate and unfold until the next New Moon (October 25).
Happy Full Moon!
Lots of Love