Full Moon in Pisces 2022

Today – Full Moon in Mystical Pisces
While the Sun remains in the earth sign of Virgo the High Priestess, the Moon is opposite in the sign of watery & dreamy Pisces
All Full Moons in water signs (Pisces, Cancer & Scorpio) can bring up heightened emotions – more than other Full Moons, because water is so connected to emotions as is the moon itself.
So if you have been feeling more intense emotions come up recently around this Full Moon, or you’ve been releasing emotions & heavy energies through tears, know that is perfectly ok
It’s likely the intensity of this full moon – and all is unfolding exactly as it needs to be
Allow this Full Moon to shed light and awareness on the mystical, watery depths of your subconscious, your dreams and your psychic gifts/connections. Allow it to help you shed heavy energy through your tears, or through a cleansing bath/water ritual and bring you to a feeling of bliss, oneness with all parts of yourself, all of humanity, Mother Earth and the Cosmos
You are encouraged to connect to your inner Mystical High Priestess / Priest through such practices as meditation, yoga, breathwork, fire ceremony, water rituals, sound baths, painting, reading poetry, pulling oracle cards…. or even better,,following your own intuition.
What is your heart telling you to do in this moment? Allow yourself to become still enough to hear the sacred whispers of your soul’s calling
Back to more of your whole self.
Back to the knowing that we are all connected.
Back to oneness
Pay attention to your dreams, messages you receive, songs you hear, animals that cross your path, and the whispers of your heart voice
Pisces is the most psychic sign of the zodiac because it inherently knows we are all one, we are all connected – it sees and feels the bigger picture, the web of life – and how we are each a beautiful shining jewel, connected by threads of light, to All.
Allow that magical, dreamy, fantastical energy to inspire you this Full Moon – and show you visions, feelings, sounds or other messages that point you in the direction of your highest path and highest healing.
Enjoy the beauty and the magic that this full moon brings