Full Moon Release Ceremony

Yesterday we had a beautiful and powerful Full Moon in Capricorn. The Full Moon brings with it the perfect energy for releasing and cleansing.
When we have the Full Moon, it is a wonderful and powerful time to let go of the heavy, negative and old energies we no longer want to carry with us.
Fire ceremony under the Full Moon energy is a great way to release negative thoughts, heavy energies, emotions, habits, limiting beliefs, roles, old stories and things from the past. Basically everything that no longer serves us and our highest good.
It doesn’t have to be complicated at all, keep it simple and it only takes a few minutes (but you can use as much time as you want of course).
You can create a fire outside or use a candle. Write down on small pieces of paper everything you want to release and let go of. While writing, try to feel it while you write it, and have the intention to let it all go.
You can also use toothpicks and blow into the toothpick, with a clear intention, every feeling, thought, energy or story you want to release and let go of into the fire. Blow 3 times for each toothpick and visualize that with your breath you release it all and put it into the toothpick.
If you are doing this inside with a candle, make sure you have a bowl or cup, or something that can handle the heat of the flame, next to the candle.
Now carefully bring the paper or toothpick to the flame and as it burns, put it into the cup and watch as it completely burns down. Be careful so you don’t burn yourself.
Watching the fire burn away and transform everything that no longer serves you, is very healing and powerful.
We do this fire ceremony every Full Moon. We let go of everything we no longer want to carry with us that has come to the surface to be released. But after we have done this, we also blow into the toothpicks or write down on a piece of paper, everything we are grateful for and want to attract and create more of in our life and in the world.
We bring in the beauty and light after releasing the old and heavy. In this whole process we use our intention, both to release and to create.
Be mindful of your thoughts and feelings in this fire ceremony. How does it make you feel? Do you feel lighter and better after releasing all the heaviness into the fire? And how does it shift your awareness and thoughts when you focus your mind on what you are grateful for and want to attract and create?
Fire has the power to transform and in this fire ceremony together with the Full Moon’s energy, you can create big shifts in your life and release parts of your old story which you no longer wish to take with you on your journey, as you create and write your new and better story.
Lots of love and light <3