Gemini Full Moon 2022

Full Moon in Gemini – December 7th ♊️✨🌕
This is the last Full Moon of 2022, and it’s supercharged with some added energy from Mars.
As the Moon is in Gemini (communication, intellect, curiosity & different perspectives), the Sun is in the opposite sign of Sagittarius (wisdom, knowledge through experience, truth, morality & expansion).
These energies can feel opposing (which is why Full Moons can feel turbulent and heightened with emotions). But Full Moons are also opportunities to release the unconscious blocks, challenges & beliefs that have been holding us back, so we can harmonize these opposing energies and grow exponentially from the experience 🌟
Being in Gemini, this Full Moon is really asking us to stay curious about different perspectives – especially ones we feel really opposed too. We don’t have to agree with these perspectives, but staying open and holding space with compassion to listen to another’s perspective is the bigger gift here.
We can become too rigid and stagnant in our current beliefs and thoughts, and even self righteous (all lower expressions of Sagittarius) and miss out on the adventure, the bigger picture and opportunities that await us.
This is why it’s important to open our minds and our hearts to new and different perspectives. Gemini reminds us that we need others’ different viewpoints to make up the larger ‘whole’ in order to co-create a better world for everyone. One person alone cannot do this – we have to come together in compassion, harmony and with open hearts and minds 💜
This is a powerful time to have conversations with others in order to spark new ideas and inspirations.
Don’t ignore your own truth and perspective in this process – just add other ones in. Practice holding 2 seemingly opposite perspectives together with compassion – you will learn and grow exponentially the more you do this 🌟
This Full Moon is also conjunct the planet Mars, currently retrograde in Gemini. Mars is the planet of passion, action and drive. This is a time to practice ‘thinking before speaking’ as your words and communication could have some frustrated feelings behind them.
Anger is not a bad thing. It’s a powerful signal that an action needs to be taken. Just do your best to direct this in a healthy way – one that does not cause harm to yourself or others.
Instead, you can harness this energy from Mars by practicing being more clear & direct in your communication, by allowing it to show you the areas where you ‘do battle’ with self or others through your words (and shifting this), or showing you the future you are excited to move towards yet needing the brave warrior spirit of Mars to support you in these new and unknown areas.
We hope these inspire your Full Moon reflections and release rituals.
Lots of Love ♊️🌕💜