Happy Full Moon in Capricorn 2022!

Full Moons always have a bit of tension around them, as they occur when the Moon is in one sign (Capricorn today) and when the Sun is in the opposite sign (Cancer today).
The Moon represents our inner world and emotions and the sun represents our outer expression.
This opposition of energies can help us shed light on and release old stories / beliefs / patterns / thoughts that we have been carrying inside of us.
Because this Full Moon is in Capricorn, we are releasing old stores / thoughts / patterns / beliefs around authority, authority figures (possibly father figures), as well as old structures / systems that no longer serve us.
Capricorn is a sign of discipline, hard work, determination and mastery (especially within the physical / material world).
Allow the Sun’s light (currently in nurturing, compassionate Cancer) to illuminate your inner thoughts & feelings around these Capricorn themes of hard work, discipline, structure, authority and material security.
What ways are your current beliefs around these themes, actually limiting and restricting you from expanding into more of who you truly are?
It’s time to shed light on these inner world beliefs / thoughts / emotions (with the compassion of the sun in Cancer).
Allow yourself to see the ways you have felt limited by authority, by old structures, by financial and material systems – and see the ways you have been limiting yourself in these areas.
And whatever you find that you don’t like / don’t want to experience more of – release with the help of this full moon.
Fire is a powerful and fast way to support these releases of what no longer serves you. And using fire on and around the Full Moon further enhances its potency and transformational energy.
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s post to learn how to use the element of fire to release what no longer serves you.
For tonight, allow yourself to feel into the feelings / thoughts / beliefs / patterns that have felt limiting to you – so you can be clear on what you are releasing to the fire tomorrow night
Remember to practice compassion for yourself and others as you do this work.
So much love to All <3