Happy Full Moon in Sagittarius!

The Full Moon brings to the surface, the seeds we planted during the New Moon – this is why Full Moons can feel uncomfortable at times. It can be helpful to remember that these shifts in our outer and inner world are happening to help align us with the seeds of intention we planted during the previous New Moon.
This particular Full Moon is in the sign of Sagittarius, the wise teacher, philosopher and adventurer.
The moon governs our emotions & heart, so a Full Moon can often be a time we release held back or unconscious emotions we’ve been carrying.
Know that this is totally ok
It may even be a beautiful medicine for you at this time.
Sagittarius loves to learn and experience new and exciting places and situations. You may be feeling inspired at this time to dive into something new as a way to help process old emotions, and connect further with your inner knowing.
This sign brings great wisdom as it combines the knowledge gained from traditional learning with that of curiosity, inspired action and a deep desire to ‘live’ life. Living and embodying experiences in order to gain deep wisdom.
This is why Sagittarius is know as the wise teacher and philosopher, and is associated with ethics.
Living through challenging times can bring such compassion into our lives for self and others – which helps support our beliefs around how we treat each other.
This is a powerful opportunity to further release lower energies of Sagittarius you may be carrying – judgement, righteousness, hopelessness and feeling ‘above’ or ‘below’ others based on your / their beliefs.
And align with the higher energies of excitement, adventure, lived experience, authentic optimism & hope.
We are always fluctuating on the spectrums of life and energy so remember not to judge yourself if you find yourself in (or have been in) those lower energies of Sagittarius.
We are always evolving and growing, and that’s a magical and beautiful thing
Lots of Love to All