Happy New Moon in Leo – 2022!

We are encouraged to step into our power with love & confidence while tending to our inner flame of joy, vitality, creativity & inspired leadership
This New Moon in Leo asks us to find clarity in our lives by coming back to our heart.
This helps us define our own values, so we can stay true to our authentic selves, consistently.
‘Our own values’ not anyone else’.
If we follow someone else’s values (heart clarity), we become lost to ourselves.
We need to align back with our own values by listening to our heart voice – and then taking inspired action from there.
Use this New Moon energy to connect back to your heart voice.
Use any or all of the suggestions below to help strengthen / connect you back to your heart’s voice:
Pause. Take a breathe. Become present in your body.
Place a hand over your heart & feel the pulse of life force energy that moves through you in every moment.
Feel gratitude for this gift of life.
Celebrate where you are in life right now – only you truly know your journey and how far you’ve come.
Give yourself the acknowledgement you wish to receive from others
Light a candle – Leo is a fire sign, and a candle flame is a powerful way to help you focus your attention and your intentions during this New Moon.
If you have these crystals, set them out in your space intuitively, to help anchor in the powerful Leo energies:
Tiger’s Eye – balance & inner strength
Pyrite – wealth & abundance
Citrine – prosperity & joy
Sunstone – positivity & leadership
Take a few moments to see, sense, feel, tune into the best possible future you see for yourself.
Stay in this feeling / vision / experience for as long as feels good.
When you feel complete in this, reflect on ways you can move towards this desired future.
What needs to change in your life so that you step into more of your true, authentic, whole self?
Allow these to turn into powerful intentions.
Write or speak out loud your intentions for this New Moon in Leo.
Take one more deep breathe in and release. Give thanks for all who have supported / are supporting you on your journey & blow out the candle.
May this serve you <3