Healing from Trauma

To heal yourself from traumas or old wounds can often feel like a challenge. It can feel hopeless or exhausting. Or like walking all alone in a dark labyrinth with no idea how to get out.
Healing takes time and often we must heal layer by layer, like peeling an onion, until we get to the core of it. And sometimes we have many onions to peel, which is normal. We all carry baggage and a story with us that was once all we knew, but is now a past story we might regret, suffer from or carry deep scars from.
Healing isn’t about who can heal the most or the quickest. It’s not about who we can blame or point our anger towards. It’s not about who did this or that, or who hurt us or left us. It’s not about blaming ourselves either.
It’s about looking into your own eyes in the mirror and seeing that person in front of you for the first time. While showing compassion, love and non-judgment.
It’s about taking off the old outworn victim-shoes that’s been giving you pain and blisters for way too long, and walking barefoot in the fresh green grass and feeling the ground beneath your feet, while realizing that you survived all that s**t and it has made you stronger.
It’s about forgiving yourself and others, not for them, but for your own inner peace. Let go of the past and release all the heaviness you’ve been carrying for so long. Let the memories become a story that you no longer carry an emotional attachment to, then the memories become wisdom.
The past can become addictive and we replay the stories over and over, so it’s important to break that cycle and release all attachments to the stories we carry with us and keep rewriting.
Healing is important for your soul, your health, your mind and your inner peace. So many of us live constantly in the past and don’t know how to move forward, with the fight-or-flight system turned on all the time. Often experiencing anxiety, stress, depression and a feeling that life is against you.
Healing your past and your trauma wounds is the biggest gift you can give yourself and your soul. Change your life and energy, and go from living in survival to living in creation.
Take the first step today and choose yourself. Healing doesn’t happen overnight, it happens step by step, and with each step, you walk towards a better future and a stronger and happier version of yourself.