Healing Is A Journey

Healing is a journey of finding your way back to yourself. It’s a journey to become who you are meant to be. Your best and highest self. Your true self.
It’s a journey which will bring you lots of “aha-moments” and huge lessons, great reflections and so much wisdom. It’s magical, wonderful, beautiful and so healing.
But truth be told, it’s also a heavy, painful, emotional, dark and lonely journey to walk.
It’s not all joyful and fun, it’s also filled with emotions of grief, sadness, pain, anger, hurt, shame and guilt. Oftentimes these emotions come first, before we heal and the lessons then turn into wisdom and knowledge. Which then brings us gratitude, growth and transformation.
It might feel like a roller-coaster that you want to get off of. But know that if you hold on, and keep riding it until the ups and downs gets smaller and the emotions gets weaker, and you start to reflect from a deeper place within you and see all that the stories are meant to teach you, to help you grow, instead of just drowning in the emotions and story.
We know it’s hard, but we promise you it’s worth it.
Living in constant pain, fear, anxiety, stress and survival is much worse than facing your inner demons and past trauma. It is much worse because it also damages your health and body, down to your cells. And each day you keep living in survival, your body uses all its energy on the trauma and past, instead of healing and repairing your body, mind and soul.
It can be overwhelming, so take it step by step, minute by minute. And remember that you are NOT what happened to you! And what happened to you, is in the past, right now look around you and remember that you are safe now.
We ask you to find a place where you feel safe. And take some deep cleansing breaths. Let your mind become empty and bring your awareness back to the present moment. Place both hands over your chest/heart chakra and focus on your breath. One second at the time, be in the present moment. Breathe in deeply, and breathe out slowly.
It is important to learn to differentiate the past and the present moment when you’re living with trauma. Bring your awareness back to the present moment and know that you are safe. What happened to you is a memory stored in your brain and body, and this can be healed and released.
You don’t have to carry it with you any longer and you don’t have to keep reliving the same traumatic events over and over, again and again.
When you heal the past, you also create new paths for your future and you will stop choosing the same people and situations that mirrors the past and brings you the same experiences as you had in the past (mirrors of your trauma, you end up experiencing the same things over and over until you heal).
By healing you create a new life for yourself and bring you back to your true self, your soul and essence. And you transform your life and will make better choices for yourself.