Healing Properties of Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz and its amazing healing properties.
All crystals and stones have different properties and energies, and this beautiful pink stone is known as the Love Stone or the Heart Stone. The stone has a light pink color and its energy is soft, healing, loving, soothing and comforting.
It’s an important crystal for your heart and heart chakra, because it’s so healing. It is said that it can help heal a broken heart, and help you release heavy emotions such as sorrow and grief.
This stone is in the Quartz family and therefor has a high energy. It carries a soft feminine energy of compassion, tenderness, peace, nourishment, healing and comfort. It can also help strengthen your self-confidence and the positive in yourself.
A powerful stone with a beautiful and calming vibration, which feels good for everyone. Some crystals are not for everyone, but this one is.
The Rose Quartz can be used to balance all your chakras and remove negative energies and replace it with love and peace. It can also help to remove jealousy, worry and resentment towards others , and heal heart problems.
Rose quartz can ease guilt and have a balancing, redemptive and healing effect on emotions, anger, fear and soul wounds. It can also lower stress and tension in the body/heart, and creates an inner peace and tranquility.
It is nice to use during pregnancy as this stone is good for creating stronger bonds. You can place it on your stomach and take it to the hospital to be close to the baby during birth. It is also soothing in the days after birth.
The Rose Quartz is a fantastic crystal for sleep both for children and adults. It gives good dreams and can help prevent nightmares and night terrors. It can also help children not to be afraid of the dark.
It strengthens empathy and sensitivity, and since it is so calming and soothing, it is an excellent stone to use for trauma or crises.
It can also have a positive effect on the skin and is used a lot in dermatology, for skin rollers and massage stones. Also used in water bottles or in jewelries.
This wonderful stone is also used to remove fluids in the body’s cells. It is good for the kidneys, lungs and bronchial area. And can also be used against dizziness.
All in all, the stone of love is an amazing stone and it is not without reason that it is called the Heart Stone.
Lots of love