Healing Trauma with Self Love & Patience

To heal from trauma is a process which takes time. You can’t rush it. In the process of healing trauma and soul wounds we ask you to be kind, patient and compassionate with yourself.
It’s not an easy process. Some people might think “just forgive and forget” is enough, or “just stop thinking about it and it goes away”.
It’s not that simple for most people who have experienced trauma. It takes time and it takes courage to go deeper into the wounds and darkness, to see things with clearer eyes and from new perspectives. To go within, reflect and see what happened, without the emotional bonds related to it. This can be a tricky one for some people, but with time you will get there and learn how to go into the memories without drowning in the emotions related to the trauma. Then the memory and experience become knowledge and wisdom once you learn this and remember that what happened to you is in the past, it’s not happening right now.
It’s important to create a safe space for yourself when healing trauma. And to take it slow, piece by piece. Don’t overwhelm yourself, then you can easily drown in it all. So, remember to breathe, deep slow breaths.
When we live in the state of fight-or-flight, our bodies are in constant stress and survival. We don’t manage to think or see things clearly and oftentimes we trust in the wrong people or let fear take over, instead of letting our intuition guide us. But it’s hard to connect with our intuition when we live in survival, but don’t worry, it’s natural for everyone to feel disconnected from themselves and their inner voice, but it will get better when you heal and reset the fight-or-flight system within.
Healing from trauma, pain or soul wounds takes time, so remember that when you feel like things are not moving forward. It is like pealing an onion, you have to peel it, one layer at the time. And once that onion is done, you find yourself holding a new onion ready to be peeled.
You may heal one wound quicker than another wound, and with time you’ll use less and less time, because you are growing and healing, and you’re becoming stronger and wiser as well. Just remember to integrate the healing process and don’t rush. Everything has its divine timing.
To heal we have to go deeper within, layer by layer, step by step. And it takes courage to go within and face your pains and old trauma. Pain and flashbacks that haunts you day and night, stories which has created fears and anxiety for years and holds you back from truly living and being your best self. Remember that these are old stories, and you have the power to release them and create new and better ones.
Be kind to yourself in this process, be compassionate, forgiving, nurturing and patient with yourself. And know that you did the best you could and with the tools you had, at the time. So don’t judge yourself, don’t be hard on yourself or feel guilt or shame. What happened might have been hard, painful and traumatic, but it also gave you a gift, even a box full of darkness is a gift, once you learn the important lessons it offers you, cause they are lessons that your soul was meant to learn.