Healing with the Darkness

“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this too, was a gift.” – Mary Oliver.
It is often so, that we learn and grow in the darkest places and it is where deep healing can happen, if we choose to rise up and not drown in the darkness and agony we often feel while being there.
It is so easy to feel overwhelmed and overpowered by pain, hurt, trauma and grief. We might lose ourselves, our balance and grounding, and feel like we have no control of our life, thoughts, emotions, surroundings or anything.
It is a frustrating and painful feeling to feel so lost and not knowing how to get out of the storm. You are standing there in the middle of the eye of the storm, unable to move out of it. And it devours you from within.
This is often a part of going through the Dark Night of the Soul, where we experience processes of transformation and awakening, and ego death. The world as we know it becomes shattered and we begin to step out of old limiting beliefs. In this darkness, parts of us die, and we question everything and might feel like we know no certainty.
In this darkness we always have a choice, to either continue letting it devour us or to let the pain burn through us, shed the old self and die in the fire. Only to rise from the ashes and be reborn again, like the magnificent and powerful Phoenix itself. A new, better, stronger and wiser self arising from the ashes.
In the rebirth you will see the lessons of the darkness and pain, and you can learn how to turn the darkness into beauty and light. This is the start of a powerful healing journey.
It is not a process done over night. It is a process which needs inner work, patients and self care. Be gentle with yourself in this process. The wounds will heal and the past will be shed, like the Serpent shedding her skin. Letting the old self die is a powerful, beautiful, sometimes painful, but such a healing process.
As long as you live in the past you are destined to repeat the old patterns, live the same way, make the same bad choices and find the same toxic partners or friends, or continue doing the same things which is causing you pain, heartache, disease and misery. When you live in the past you can not be fully present in the moment of now and you can not create a better future. The past must be left behind, the wounds must be heal and the old self must die, so a new and better version can emerge.
It’s like the seasons, you must let the leaves be shed and fall to the ground and die. Let the old die, work within and let healing happen, and when it’s time, spring will come and new and more beautiful parts of you will blossom forth, stronger, better and healthier.
Be gentle with yourself and know that there are tremendous and valuable lessons in the darkness, if you are honest with yourself and see yourself and the darkness from new perspectives and let your consciousness awaken.
Lots of love