I Am – You Are – We Are Love

This last Full Moon in Virgo & Saturn’s move into Pisces have been very powerful and continue to shake up the stagnant energies that no longer serve our highest good.
At times this shifting of energy can feel really uncomfortable, and bring up things from our past that we need to face, feel, and alchemize / transmute, in order to release it from our energy more fully now. For good.
We are done with the victim stories we were so used to living. That is an old program.
We may be becoming simultaneously more aware of all the heaviness in the world around us (wars, earthquakes, corrupt governments, unsupportive hierarchical systems, inequality and more)
the total possibility of True Freedom, Liberation, Living A Joyful Beautiful Abundant & Peaceful Life, coming together in wholeness and more!
This Full Moon in Virgo may be bringing out the shadow sides of Virgo (control, criticisms, victimhood, feelings of ‘not being good enough’, not being ‘perfect’ enough) both within ourselves and in the world around us. So we can truly see, feel and acknowledge where we have been holding these feelings of ‘not enough’ within ourselves.
So that we can now hold ourselves in the compassion, grace, forgiveness and unconditional love that we are truly seeking. This will bring us back into wholeness.
We are here to remind you that:
You are enough, exactly as you are
You always have been & always will be enough exactly as you are
You are more than enough…
You are Love
I am Love
We are Love
Expressing in different forms & perspectives.
All is Love.
These changing times right now can be seen and experienced however you choose….
Among all the different ways you can choose to experience your life & your reality, you can ALWAYS choose to see & experience your life through the lens of True Love
This doesn’t mean, pretending everything is always sunshine and rainbows when it’s not.
It means, seeing yourself and everything happening in the world around you (the good, the bad, the ugly & the beautiful) exactly as it is – and no matter how it is, choosing to LOVE it and yourself no matter what.
Seeing everything, all aspects of ourselves and the world around us – as we truly are – and choosing to love all aspects of ourselves and others, exactly as we are.
This is True Love. This is Loving without conditions.
Sometimes this means we need to step back from a situation, and create boundaries with others – but instead of creating boundaries with fear, we can create them with Love (for ourselves & others).
We still are creating the boundaries and declaring our sacred ‘no’, but the intention and feeling behind how we do this, makes all the difference.
Are you creating boundaries with Love or with fear?
Sometimes, we need to create the boundaries out of fear first, in order to create a safe space for ourselves and then from that safe space, we can reflect and send more love to ourselves and others. Loving others from a safe physical distance, may be the best thing we can do for ourselves and them in some situations. This is still Love. You can set boundaries AND Love someone. Simultaneously. It’s not one or the other.
This is a powerful lesson full of deep healing from this Virgo Full Moon & Saturn in Pisces shift.
We are clearing old karmas as we do this work. Individually & collectively.
It’s easy to love, when others are kind to us. It’s harder to love, when others are unkind. But when we choose to love no matter how others treat us, this is True Love. Loving without conditions.
Every time we are met with a challenge (someone does not love us in the way we want them too, there are wars going on around us, there are governments that are trying to control & silence us, someone hurts us, someone doesn’t respect our boundaries, we don’t feel seen, heard, approved of or loved by others…) this is yet another opportunity to practice Loving Unconditionally.
We may first need to take a step back and create a safe space for ourselves. When we create a safe space for ourselves, we can start to see things more clearly, and then eventually love more fully
We can then safely send love and forgiveness to the parts of ourselves we’ve abandoned, rejected, separated from, hidden away – because at the time we didn’t know any better. At the time we didn’t have the tools we do now.
Now is the time to look back on your past with new eyes – realizing that back then you were a caterpillar, but now you are transformed into butterfly, and you have beautiful wings to fly with.
You are not the same person you were back then.
You have transformed, but may still be living as a caterpillar – when in fact you are now a butterfly. Know that you have wings and you can use them. You can’t live as a caterpillar anymore. You are meant to fly in the beautiful garden of sweetness. You just need to see yourself as you Truly Are and become familiar with flying as a butterfly
No matter what goes on around you remember: You Are a butterfly, who can fly.
What we are Truly saying here is: You Are Love. Always. All Ways.
Flap your butterfly wings to fly and as you do, you give & receive unconditional (True) Love, freely.
This is not ‘fluff.’ This is Truth. If you think this is ‘fluff’ there is a part of you that denies your own True Nature as Love.
Show this shadow side of yourself compassion, kindness & forgiveness. It is afraid that it is not good enough for True Love. It is afraid that it does not deserve True Love. It is afraid that it is separate from True Love. Which it is not separate from.
It needs True Love most of all. Embrace it, Forgive it, hold it in Love without any conditions – to bring it back into wholeness
I Am Love
You Are Love
We Are Love
Be Love
All Ways