January 2023 – Cosmic Events

Wishing everyone a Magical 2023
Jan 6 – Full Moon in Cancer. Separate post on this later.
Jan 12 – Mars goes Direct in Gemini. Mars has been retrograde for a about 8 months (longer than usual). This may have resulted in many people feeling their drive & ability to take action & start new projects being more challenging or sluggish than usual. This also may have been a period of sudden bursts of frustration, & harsh words or thoughts towards self and/or others. This has been a powerful opportunity to pay attention, go inwards & really get familiar with what inspires you to take action & move forward in life, what you are passionate about & what drives your soul. Get crystal clear on these points so when Mars goes Direct on the 12th, you will be full steam ahead with greater energy, passion, courage & clarity
Jan 18 – Mercury goes Direct in Capricorn. This will be another ‘forward’ feeling, outward focused energy, very much around communication, speaking & thoughts related to your productivity, career / business, reputation and / or ancestry. And likely an easier time to have any ‘tougher’ conversations with others (or perhaps internally), especially relating productivity, goal setting, family roots / traditions, career & finances.
Jan 20 – Sun enters Aquarius Here we shift from the Earthy realms of Capricorn to the faster paced Air vibrations of Aquarius, the Innovator, Rebel & Disruptor.
Jan 21 – New Moon in Aquarius. Separate post on this later.
Jan 22 – Uranus goes Direct in Taurus. Plus it’s Lunar New Year! (year of the Rabbit). Uranus going Direct brings even more of this forward moving energy into our lives. Especially in the areas of creative ideas, innovation, changing old patterns and systems, new ways of thinking and perceiving the world and society, and technology, connected in with our comforts and new ways we can make our lives more beautiful and pleasureable.
So if you’ve felt a little lost, stuck, unclear, unmotivated or uncertain the past while, January is likely to break that stagnancy up with all this forward moving energy from 3 planets!
Wishing you an inspiring start to 2023!