June Solstice – 2022

Today marks the Solstice
Summer Solstice and the longest day of the year in the Northern Hemisphere, and Winter Solstice and shortest day of the year in the Southern Hemisphere.
The June Solstice also marks the end of Gemini Sun Season and the beginning of Cancer Sun Season
This is a day of opposites (beginning of summer in the Northern Hemisphere, and beginning of Winter in the Southern Hemisphere).
And… a day of balance and harmony (complimentary amounts of daylight – both the longest and the shortest, simultaneously on the Earth).
We mark the solstice by the amount of daylight (sun) we have in the hemispheres, and the June solstice always ushers in the start of the Cancer Sun Season. The sign of Cancer is ruled by the moon.
The Sun is often considered a ‘masculine’, action oriented energy and the moon a ‘feminine’, receptive energy.
This dance and interplay between night and day, sun and moon, ‘masculine’ and ‘feminine’ – opposites within the whole, is a reminder of what’s truly possible on our planet.
Harmonizing of the seemingly opposite. Complimenting of the polarities.
The powerful ‘both and’ rather than ‘this or that.’
The co-creative ‘power with other/s’ rather than ‘power over other/s’ or ‘power under other/s.’
For the Northern Hemisphere and Summer Solstice, it’s a powerful time to use the extra solar energies to support your new or continued creative projects. What are you creating and bringing into the world at this time?
For the Southern Hemisphere and Winter Solstice, it’s a beautiful time to go within and self reflect. What new seeds of intention are you planting for the future?
Working with the solar and lunar energies only support our growth more powerfully.
Happy Solstice May you set your intentions and co-create your destiny, powerfully!
Beautiful Blessings