Libra & the Full Moon in Aries

Libra is a beautiful energy, holding the seemingly opposites together:
Sun & Moon
Day & Night
Self & Other
Void & All
Light & Darkness
Death & Birth
And on and on it goes…
But the trick is not to get caught up in ‘one or the other’ and instead see the beauty & value in All.
We live in a benevolent Universe – meaning that the challenges and pain we experience are not there ‘to’ cause us pain, but to support our highest growth, awakening and Destiny
It’s all in how you look at things.
It’s important to remember and remind ourselves of this over Libra Season, as Libra is an Air Element, associated with the Mind & thoughts.
When we are too much in our head, we don’t always see the bigger picture, and we begin separating things into boxes / categories (right & wrong, good & bad, self & other).
The Mind is great at separating things and putting them into categories – and this can serve us in some ways, allowing us to ‘make sense’ of our world so we don’t get too overwhelmed in life with all the possibilities and perspectives that are actually available to us.
And other times, it does not serve us and instead we get stuck in our thoughts and our stories, trying to ‘make sense’ of things that perhaps we are just meant to release and move on from – or we need a fresh perspective, but we have a hard time releasing our old story because it’s become part of our identity. And who would we be without that role we play in that story?
That ‘unknown’ can feel scary.
As the Full Moon in Aries approaches on October 9th, we are asked to find and connect back with our centre (our I Am presence). Not in a selfish way, but in a self loving way – when we connect with our true selves, our Divine essence, we simultaneously connect to the All (everyone and everything outside of ourselves) and realize that we are both the ‘self’ and the ‘other.’ There is no separation. We are both this human body, and part of Mother Earth. We are both Spirit & Matter.
This Aries Full Moon asks us to align with our courage so we can bravely head into the unknown path of our Highest Destiny – and reconnect with our true essence.
Stay tuned for more on the Full Moon in Aries