Looking in the Mirror

Look in the mirror, what do you see? Do you see the flaws, the scars, the wrinkles and extra weight? Do you see what others see or make you think that you are? Or do you see someone you do not like?
The person starting back at you is the most important person in your life. It is you, it is your best friend, your life-partner and your loyal spouse for life. How can you not love that person? He or she has been with you forever.
Look in the mirror and tell me what you see? Are you a result of societies limited belief structures and old habits? Are you shaped and structured as others want you to be and act, and not how you want to be?
Are you angry or upset with the person in the mirror? This wonderful and amazing person, staring back at you with those beautiful eyes. How can you neglect that person and criticize him/her so much? He/she might not be perfect, but perfectly imperfect, that’s for sure.
What do you see in the mirror? Do you see that wonderful person who has fought many battles and come out stronger? Survived the harsh storms of life and is still standing? Or blossoming and growing into a new person full of potential and dreams?
What do you see?
Who do you see staring back at you?
See the beauty in the person looking back at you and give him/her love. Tell the person in front of you “I love you! You are awesome!” Say something positive and loving, and smile. Feel the joy inside you when you do this. Feel how it feels to talk kindly and lovingly to the person in the mirror. Give her/him some nice compliments and feel how that shifts your energy.
Look into your own eyes in the mirror, tell me, what do you see? Who are you and who do you want to be? And what are your innermost dreams?
Be real and true with your mirror self and shed all masks. Love and cherish this real, vulnerable, naked you, standing there in front of you, mirroring back at you the true face of a beautiful soul. Don’t wear all your masks anymore. Be authentic and be honest. Be real!
The person in the mirror is your best friend. Take good care of him/her and show him/her lots of love and gratitude every day.
Be goofy and silly together, laugh, smile, dance and sing together, you and your mirror self. And get to know that person better. Become comfortable with this person and how she/he looks, feels, moves, smiles and acts. Love every part of their body and for who they are – for who YOU are!
This person is you. This beautiful person standing before you in the mirror, it’s you. So give yourself lots of love and be kind to that person, speak with loving and kind words, so this person can grow into their highest potential.
Be kind to yourself, dear soul.