Meet Sachamama / Great Serpent

This is Sachamama. Quechuan for Serpent, and translating to: ‘Mother of the Earth’.
Sachamama is associated with the South – the first of the Six Directions when opening up Sacred Space according to the Q’ero Shamans of the high Andes in Peru (the beautiful Lineage we are both initiated into).
Each of the Four Directions is connected to a different aspect of a person’s overall health: physical, mental / emotional, soul, energy / Spirit.
Sachamama / Serpent is connected to the Earth, our physical body and the lower 2 chakras.
In Shamanic Energy Medicine, we work on the energetic / Spirit level to change and inform all the other levels (soul, mind & body).
For deep healing and transformation to take place, we need all the parts of our health to be shifted (mind, body, soul & spirit).
So, after a Shamanic Energy Medicine session, we give our clients ‘homework’ to do, which helps them embody and integrate the energetic changes on a physical level (on the Serpent level).
Sachamama / Serpent is a beautiful archetype that wisely reminds us of the power of shedding our past stories, pain, traumas, limiting beliefs, toxic relationships & heavy energies – the way that Serpent sheds her skin and renews herself.
She has no need for the old, dry, dead skin that restricts her fluid movement – and so releases it effortlessly, in order to embrace her new, more vibrant skin underneath.
Sachamama / Serpent also reminds us to see things as they really are – without the stories we have attached to them. This really helps with letting go of past pains and moving forward in life.
When we let go of the old stories we keep telling ourselves – we can allow and embrace the energetic changes on the mental / emotional and physical levels so much faster.
We always call in the energy of Sachamam with the South Direction when we open up sacred space for our energy sessions. Inviting Sachamama’s powerful energy to support the client’s highest healing.
If you are wanting to learn more or book a session with myself (Amanda) and/or Madelene, message us for more info.
Lots of Love <3