New Moon in Libra 2022

Libra energy is all about harmony, love, justice, beauty, values, art & relationships.
This New Moon in Libra asks us to take a look at the relationships in our lives – both the relationships with others (parents, children, partners, friends, clients, co-workers) & with ourselves.
With these powerful New Moon energies, you are invited to journal today on your relationships, so you can nurture the ones that you want to grow & change / release the ones that are not healthy or no longer serve.
Here are some prompts to get you started:
What relationships in your life do you consider healthy? What about them makes them healthy?
Do you notice any common patterns between them? Write them down & consider setting intentions for future relationships to follow similar patterns.
What ways can you acknowledge & show gratitude for these healthy relationships? Write them down & make sure to take action and express this gratitude.
What relationships in your life do you consider unhealthy? What about them makes them unhealthy?
Do you notice any common patterns between them? Write them down & consider avoiding future relationships that follow similar patterns.
What ways can you acknowledge these unhealthy relationships? What ways can you then transform or release these unhealthy relationships? Write down action steps to change/release these.
Remember that we are only responsible for ourselves. And we cannot (and should not try to) control others’ behaviours. Meet others where they are at – not where they used to be, or where you hope them to be.
What is the relationship you have with yourself? What parts are healthy? What parts are unhealthy?
Libra is also the sign of Love & is ruled by Venus. The unhealthy areas of your relationship with yourself, are the areas you have the opportunity to show the most love towards. Hold these shadow parts of yourself in compassion, so you can love all parts of yourself back into wholeness
When you remove the judgements from your shadow self parts, you can see things more clearly & make healthy changes, based in the frequency of love rather than fear.
If you feel like creating a drawing, painting or collage to represent your new & healthier relationship with yourself (your whole self) and/or with others in your life, you are invited to anchor these energies into your consciousness this way. Libra loves the arts and creating beauty.
You can use this as inspiration and a reminder of the healthy relationships you are nurturing with yourself and with others.
Happy New Moon!
Lots of Love