New Moon in Sagittarius – 2022

New Moon in Sagittarius today! ♐️✨
This is a beautiful time to get clear & focused on your intentions for the month, & further future ahead.
Moving from the deep transformations of Scorpio Season & the intense eclipses, we are now in the lighter energies of Sagittarius, ruled by benevolent Jupiter who rekindles the fires of blessings, joy & optimism.
Allow your own fire (your own Spirit & Light) to be rekindled from within, during this joyous season.
Not only is it the New Moon in Sagittarius on November 23rd, but the planet Jupiter (who rules Sagittarius) is going Direct this day as well.
You are invited to reflect back to July 28th, when Jupiter began its Retrograde (inwardly focused) journey, & all that it brought up for you from then until now – nearly 3 months.
You are invited to use these reflections to help you shape your New Moon intentions (which you can set tonight, tomorrow or the next night).
Jupiter is a planet of blessings, new life, creation, expansion, learning & morality.
Perhaps during its retrograde you were feeling stagnant, blocked or unclear about how to move forward in these areas of your life the last few months?
Perhaps this stagnation / block / uncertainty is coming to an end as Jupiter goes Direct today.
These are powerful observations to reflect on & be aware of.
Some New Moon in Sagittarius Prompts to help with your Intention Setting:
1. What areas of life have you felt stuck / blocked / unclear on (over the last 3 months specifically)? What’s one action step you can take to move out of this stagnancy?
2. What are you feeling really passionate about creating / joining / learning / doing / expanding into right now (dream big, radiate your heart & expand your mind here)? When you think about it, what feelings come up? Write them down & make a point to ‘be’ in that feeling at least once every day during this Sagittarius Season. Focused feelings/frequencies help you manifest your desired future much faster.
3. What is the most important Truth you are carrying right now? Is it a Truth that feels supportive to your highest dreams and desires future, or does it need rewriting?
Happy New Moon Intention Setting ✨♐️✨