New Moon in Virgo 2022

Happy New Moon in Virgo!
Virgo energy brings us a powerful awareness of ‘what could be vs. what actually is.’
This is one of the main challenges of this sign – to find that harmonious balance between reaching for the stars and feeling completely fulfilled by the ‘journey’ to get there.
The secret is in realizing that ‘perfection’ is an amazing guiding star, and at the same time, accepting that perfection will never be reached.
In this process of mastering acceptance, Virgo energy becomes a powerful way to embrace personal growth, transformation & deep healing.
Virgo energy is also often connected with such words as servant & victim. Although these roles do represent low sides of Virgo, they are definitely not the whole picture.
Virgo is a sign with a high emphasis on skill, craftsmanship and expertise. When we are praised and valued for the skills, gifts and abilities we share with the world, this counterbalances the lower energies of Virgo (self-doubt, self-criticism, being in victim).
So something to help harmonize the Virgo self-criticism tendency is to find and do important and skillful work that makes a difference in other people’s lives. To ‘serve’ others with our unique skillset and expertise, and to be appreciated and valued, and fairly compensated for it in return.
Allow this Virgo New Moon energy to guide you inwards and reflect on the areas where you tend to self criticize, and stay in a victim or martyr role.
Try not to judge yourself in this process – instead, this contemplation is meant to just bring light to these areas, so you can heal and change them.
Take inventory: an honest look at the area in your life where you stay in the victim/ martyr role – and set an intention to release this role.
Make a list of at least 3 actions you can take, to support the release of this victim role.
And then actually do them!
So you can align with your own power, sovereignty and healing on an even deeper level – and cultivate your unique gifts to share out with the world, from a more whole and healed place.
And perhaps the most important thing to remember at this time is…
You are inherently worthy exactly as you are
Lots of Love