Practicing Devotion with Virgo

We are still in the powerful Virgo Season
Virgo is an Earth element sign -meaning it can show up as very focused, determined, steadfast and appreciates stability in life. The Earth element is also connected to manifesting things into the physical world.
This can show up as a thought or idea you have been thinking about, and now you are taking action steps in the physical world to actually make it happen (even writing down your ideas in a journal or on the computer is a step into making it a reality!)
And this is a gift of Virgo – it’s a link between the metal / mind and the physical realms. Which is why Virgo is so often associated with planning, organizing, cleaning up, making lists…. These are all important steps in manifesting and creating the life you want to live (not just thinking or daydreaming about it).
So, what thoughts, dreams, desires, creative ideas have you been pondering the last few weeks, months, years that you are ready to take to the next step?
Allow this beautiful Virgo season to support you on your journey
And remember, with Virgo, it’s important to stay devoted to what you are creating with consistent action over time – you need the inspired ideas + the dedicated actions in the physical world to manifest your dreams (or something even better!).
What are you working towards bringing into the physical world, this Virgo season?
We invite you to share & declare in the comments below
Lots of Love