Realizing Our Path and Purpose

A year ago I was going through a really difficult time and I knew I had to make a huge shift in my life. I was called to begin the journey of becoming a Shamanic Energy Medicine Practitioner with the Four Winds Society.
I didn’t know what to expect or what I went to, all I knew was that I was in complete darkness and if I didn’t shift my life completely, it would slowly drain my life energy more and more, because I was in such a dark and painful place, and I had been there for many, many years, so something had to seriously change.
I packed my gigantic bag of deep wounds, heaviness, trauma and darkness, and I began the journey into the unknown. I was ready to let my old self die, and ready to do the work.
There I met my wonderful and amazing best friend and co-worker, Amanda. She carried her own bag of old stories, wounds and traumas, and together we started an epic journey that would change our lives forever.
As I prepared to leave my old life and self behind for this new and amazing journey, I had only one goal; to learn how to heal myself and others in the deepest and most powerful ways.
In the first week of our training we learned that to become a good shaman, and help others with their healing, you first have to heal your own wounds and traumas, and face your own darkness and shadows.
We both began shedding the old stories from the past, like two serpents shedding the old skin and becoming new and transformed. We helped each other to heal the deep wounds we had carried with us for so long, remove and heal imprints from the past traumas, and facing our own shadow sides in the darkness.
We became each other’s light through the darkest tunnels, together with our fellow students, whom were also walking the journey of transformation and healing. What a gift our friendship and soul connection quickly became.
We shed one layer of the onion at the time. One trauma, one wound, one painful piece, one ancestral curse, one heavy pattern and one limiting belief at the time. Piece by piece, step by step, healing happened and huge changes within us began to appear.
We both started feeling different and experience huge shifts happening both within us and in our lives. Changing how we thought, felt and acted, became our new normal. We felt more and more like we had come home, every day, a bit closer to becoming our true self and becoming healed, transformed and whole within ourselves again.
We learned all the techniques and how to work with people, heal and guide, and help others shed their trauma, wounds and old stories too. It was the most exciting and interesting journey of my life. While going deep within, facing our deepest, darkest traumas, wounds and fears, I won’t lie, it was a tough road to walk, sometimes even a bit scary because it was new and unfamiliar. But wow, I am grateful for each lesson, healing and growth, and each step I took on this path. It was life changing!
The more I shed and cleared out, the deeper I went within myself. The more sensitive I became to energies, both good and bad. And the more centered, calm, happy and empowered I became day by day. I can honestly say I am not the same person at all, that I was a year ago, and I know Amanda is a completely new and transformed version of herself too. I watched her grow, heal and transform, and wow, she has really found her inner power, strengthened her gifts to a whole new level and become a very wise, intuitive and amazing shaman.
When you start this healing journey so many things start to change. My brain started changing. My thoughts, feelings and behaviors. My overall health and energy changed too. My perceptions and how I perceived life, people and myself. My relationships, interests and limiting beliefs changed. Everything changed on some level and I was never going back to my old self and the old stories, no matter what.
For the first time in my life I felt that I had found my true path and life purpose. It all became clear as the old me died in the darkness, and the new me became reborn and rose up from the ashes.
For the first time I felt like I belonged somewhere and I had found my tribe. I didn’t have to be someone else or put on a mask, I could be completely myself, in all my colors, shades and forms.
Healing the past and going deep within is worth it on so many levels. And not just because we work with healing on all four levels. Going within and facing the old, painful stories, memories, patterns and belief structures, was challenging, but so worth it, cause it gave me back my life, my soul and myself. It brought me back to life, before this I wasn’t living, I was only existing.