Remembering to Be Kind

Dear ones,
Have you lost the sense of belonging in this world? Do not worry, it is perfectly alright. Things seem to be chaotic and hard at times these days and many people are in a great deal of fear. But fear is not the emotion, nor energy to be in. It only creates more of what you fear.
Do not worry. The world is in a period of great transformation and shifts. In order for things to become balanced and healed, changes must happen and people must awaken.
Have you ever considered the fact that you are here to be a part of this shift? Perhaps do some good in this world with the skills and kindness you have? Perhaps help others shift focus, shift frequency or heal themselves? Perhaps you are here to help Mother Earth grow green, strong and powerful again?
Whatever you mission or purpose here on Earth is, always be kind to every living being and to the Great Mother we call earth and home. Kindness is a great skill to have on this journey and the more positivity you spread, the more you will receive back in return. You will heal yourself and others.
So whenever you are facing a challenge or life knocks you down or pisses you off, change the focus to kindness and love. Love is healing. Love lifts up all energies and can heal any broken heart or spirit who might seem to have lost their way.
Be kind. Be love. Be the change this beautiful world needs. We need all light workers to awaken and step into their healer shoes.
Be true to what your heart and soul tells you. Your soul is your guiding map, your compass, back to infinite love. It knows the way to peace. Lifetime after lifetime your soul has grown and become strong, wise and courageous. Remember the love you carry within your soul of light.
Love and light
(Channeled message).