Scorpio Season – 2022

Welcome to Scorpio Season ✨
A magical time to step into the shadows, go within, do the inner work & alchemize the soul.
Scorpio is a water sign, and loves to go deep. It doesn’t like superficial, surface level conversations or interactions. Nor dose it tolerate lies or betrayals.
The truth, no matter how much it may hurt, is what this sign respects – and what it asks of us.
Scorpio energy can feel intense, and is very powerful, once mastered.
It’s all about transformation, going deep into the shadows, the darkness, the void, the womb…and bringing more awareness to what needs healing, shifting, releasing & transforming.
A time that can bring up past pain and trauma.
But the opportunity here is that this pain is coming up into our awareness in order to be healed and released.
Scorpio season is very much about death and rebirth.
Going into the sacred darkness, the fertile void in order to rest, rejuvenate, heal and release what no longer serves so we can make room for more of what we want to welcome in our lives.
As this Scorpio season starts one day after the Venus – sun conjunction, and a few days before the Solar Eclipse on the 25th, there are powerful Solar feminine energies coming in right now.
Eclipses can bring rapid transformation and sudden shifts, so if you feel this coming up already, know that the cosmic energies are here to support your highest transformation ✨
Embrace your inner solar feminine energy (no matter what gender you are, we all have feminine energy within us) to support you in these big shifts.
Divine Feminine energy is: receiving, resting, replenishing, rejuvenating, going with the flow, intuitive, artistic, nurturing, going inwards, cycles, etc.
How do you step into your Divine Feminine energy? Make sure to do your practices regularly, especially now during Scorpio season & Eclipse season.
More on the Solar Eclipse coming soon! 😊💜🌟