Self Care & Setting Boundaries

I used to think I was selfish or a bad person if I loved myself, or took care of myself and my health, or listened to what was right for me. Instead I did what was expected or wanted from me or how society meant I should be.
Society doesn’t teach you self love and how to have energetic and emotional care for yourself. It doesn’t teach you how to listen to your intuition or know your own value or go within and be in alignment with your soul.
We grow up learning about how to behave and act, think and feel, in different situations. We learn from our parents and families what values to live by or what (limiting) beliefs to have. No matter if they are right or wrong, good or bad. We grow up being programmed that way.
We learn to brush our teeth or hair, put on clothes, play with other kids, tie our shoes, be polite, etc. We learn how to behave and think, so we will fit into the square box society has created, without asking any questions.
Most of us never learn how to love ourselves, believe in ourselves, set healthy boundaries or deal with our emotions in a healthy and positive way. No, instead many of us grow up believing and feeling like we are not good enough, lovable or valuable.
Many of us feel small and worthless because we are different, and we don’t feel like we belong anywhere and we struggle to fit in. Being different isn’t a bad thing, but very often this is how society works.
It’s never too late to create changes and start loving yourself, and healing yourself back to wholeness. Taking care of your own state of being, your physical, emotional, mental and energetic health is very important and you also have so much more to give to the world around you when you are in alignment with yourself.
As a soul you are perfect, you are this divine powerful soul, a strong energetic and beautiful being. Self love isn’t always easy on the human-3D-level, but within your soul, there’s pure light and love, and a sacred power many of us have yet to discover.
You won’t find self love by looking and searching outside of yourself or in someone else. It won’t make you truly love yourself by buying lots of stuff or putting on nice clothes. Or searching for the wrong partners or have lots of money or material things.
Self love must come from within. It must come from a higher frequency and consciousness, from your souls essence and heart space. And it starts with the way you think and feel, the words you speak and the actions you take. It starts with you.
Self care is a big part of self love. A great way to start practicing this is to do at least one thing that brings you joy every day, and to become more aware of your thoughts and the words you speak to yourself and others.
What words and thoughts are you repeating every day, to yourself and others? Are there more negative thoughts and words than positive?
Becoming more conscious is a huge and important step to take, when changing your inner state of being.
What will you do for yourself today that brings you joy and makes you smile from deep within?