September 22nd – Libra Season & the Equinox

The first day of Libra Season is (also) always the Equinox: equal amount of day / night around the whole planet.
This is very fitting as Libra’s symbol is the scales – everything about the season and the Equinox are about balance, harmony, justice, equality, as well as the powerful potential to hold 2 seemingly opposite energies (sun & moon, masculine & feminine, right & left, Spring & Autumn etc.) in equality.
Holding both at the same time, without condemnation of one or the other. Without judgement.
We are in great need of these beautiful lessons at this time on our planet.
No more ‘us vs them’ or ‘me vs other’ or ‘right & wrong’ mentality.
It’s time we come together and unite.
We each have strengths and we each have challenges. But when we come together and withhold our judgements and criticisms for long enough, we can learn different perspectives that may just be the remedy we needed to move through the challenges with more ease, grace and love.
As the Northern Hemisphere is entering into Autumn the Southern Hemisphere is entering into Spring
They are completely opposite energies: one is about release, letting go, death & decay, and the other is about birth & new life.
Yet, they happen at the same time, on the same planet. So we know we can hold the extremes of life, in unity, as one.
Allow this Equinox and Libra season to bring a different perspective, and reserve the heavy judgements / criticisms for long enough, to hold the opposites in each palm of your hand, with compassion.
Holding both the power of letting go of what does not serve, and making room for new life to grow and blossom – co creating a more beautiful world for all.
Holding the opposites at the same time, opens up the axis for more than just the dualities to exist. When we hold the ‘both, and’ we open up the powerful creative potential for infinite possibilities along a vibrant spectrum of life!
More to come on the Libra and Equinox energies!
Lots of Love