September Equinox & Libra Season – 2022

As the whole world experiences the Equinox of equal day and night, we are also welcoming Libra Season for the next 4 weeks.
In the Northern Hemisphere, we are welcoming the darkness, the Autumn, the letting go of what you no longer wish to carry & death part of the life cycle.
Simultaneously, in the Southern Hemisphere, we are welcoming in the light, the Spring, the budding of new life & the rebirth part of the life cycle.
Whether we are in the Northern or the Southern Hemisphere, we are all in the ‘both-and’ of the Equinox and Libra energies.
Honouring the equal length of darkness and light, the Autumn and the Spring, death and rebirth.
To support us in this transition, today (or within the next few days) you are invited to do any or all of the following practices – whatever you feel called to do:
1. Libra is associated with the Air element so breathwork can be especially supportive at this time. Try inhaling to a count of 4, holding the breath to a count of 4, exhaling to 4 and holding to 4. Then repeat this cycle for at least 5 times. This helps bring you back to a calm state and back to the present moment.
2. Take 30 minutes to journal on: where you were at the beginning of 2022, where you are now, what you are wanting to further ‘release’ in order to welcome in more of the beautiful life you are heading towards?
3.Do a fire ceremony to release what you no longer wish to carry forward, so you can make room for more of what you want to welcome into your life. Use a candle, toothpicks & a dish. Light the candle and take a toothpick and blow into it what you are wanting to release. Hold the toothpick over the candle flame to allow it to burn. Before the flame gets too close to your fingers, drop it in the fish to continue burning safely until it goes out. Then move a hand over the candle flame at a safe distance and bring the heat of the flame, with your hand, to your second chakra, your heart chakra & your third eye. Bringing light to these centres fills them up with light so you can move forward with renewed energy.
Enjoy your Equinox!