Solar Eclipse in Scorpio – 2022

Solar Eclipse in Scorpio ✨♏️ ☀️
October 25.
Eclipses are powerful times of change.
If there is anything you are wanting to shift, change or transform in your life – whether that be old patterns, behaviours or beliefs, relationships, the roles you play in life or your life direction itself – now is the time to set your intentions powerfully during this Solar Eclipse.
Being in the sign of Scorpio (death & rebirth, magic & transformation), this solar eclipse is an especially potent moment for huge changes.
To set your intentions:
1. Identify what you are wanting to shift, change, release in your life.
2. Write them out on a piece of paper to ground your intentions, solidifying them from the mind, into the physical world.
3. On the solar eclipse (October 25), try to be outside in nature & speak your intentions out loud to Mother Earth, Grandmother Moon & Father Sun.
4. Speak from your heart & be open to the changes & shifts that may be necessary for these intentions to manifest. You are surrendering control to Great Spirit / Universe. Trust that all will unfold exactly as it needs to. It may not happen the way you imagine it. Know that this is ok.
5. You can burn incense or a candle as you do this & watch the smoke rise up to the heavens, taking your intentions & prayers with it.
6. Send your gratitude up with the smoke/incense to Mother Earth, Father Sun, Grandmother Moon & Spirit /Universe further declaring that these changes will manifest. Send love out to all your loved ones, your city, your country & the whole Earth 💜🌟🌎 When you make intentions in the frequency of gratitude & love, you feel peaceful and you receive your intentions in a much more easeful, joyful & beautiful way, while supporting others in their own manifestations. This follows the flow of life – giving & receiving, life & death, action & rest.
If you feel the energies are very intense for you, remember to connect to the opposite sign of Scorpio: Taurus. Go to your favourite spot in nature & connect to Mother Earth, allowing her to hold you safely in her arms. Release any heavy energy to her to carry away. Dance can also be beneficial in helping to ground. Also cooking and eating food that is delicious to you. Using all senses (sight, taste, sound, touch & smell) to bring you back to the present moment (Taurus).
Wishing you a powerful Solar Eclipse 💜🙏☀️