Solstice, Capricorn Season & New Moon 2022

Solstice, Capricorn Season & the New Moon coming up make this a powerful time to reflect on 2022 and write down your intentions for 2023.
This is a sacred time of stillness – solstice literally means ‘sun standing still. This is because for 3 days around the Solstice (both winter and summer) the Sun appears to be in the same spot, not moving in the sky.
What this means is that this is a powerful time of sacred pause, a magical silence – like the moment between inhaling and exhaling. It can feel like you are in between worlds/dimensions and there is so much energy, magic and potential, which is why it’s a powerful time to set your intentions for the year ahead, planting the seeds of your highest future (both personally and collectively).
It can be a challenging time to ‘get things done’ in your usual way. This is ok. Honour this time of sacred quiet so you can connect to your inner wisdom and consciously plant your seeds for the next year and beyond.
Capricorn Season & December Solstice both start when the Sun enter the constellation of Capricorn. This can fluctuate year to year in our Gregorian calendar and depending on where you are in the world. For some, Capricorn Season will start on December 21st, and for others it will start on the 22nd this year. Either way, the 21st – 24th is a powerful portal for intention setting for this next Moon cycle, and for the year ahead.
Capricorn energy is very wise, grounded, hard working, determined, responsible, connected with the elders and ancestors (our roots), as well as ancient traditions. It’s shadow sides are overworking, competition & lack mentality, impatience, stuck in traditions, overvaluing material success & reputation, and not self caring.
As Capricorn is an earth sign, it can be especially powerful to with the earth element during your Solstice & New Moon intention setting.
Allow the higher energies of Capricorn to help you ground your intentions, plant your magic seeds for your highest destiny and guide you in patiently, consistently & lovingly nurturing them until the Full Moon, and into 2023.
Working outside in nature is a powerful way to connect to Mother Earth and the earth element. Also connecting with crystals and stones, flowers, essences & oils. You can create beautiful mandalas or patterns made out of flowers and crystals, or use crystal grids with specific stones to help call in and ground your intentions. Or just have them placed on your alter or a special place in your home where you can see and give energy and gratitude to them everyday (as a way to nourish the seeds you’ve sewn).
You can write your intentions (magic seeds for 2023) on a piece of paper and place them near your crystals, stones and/or flowers so that when you walk by and give gratitude and energy to them, you can also read your words again and feel the energy behind them, as if they have already manifested.
Some intention setting prompts:
1. What limiting stories from 2022 are you leaving behind?
2. What empowering new stories are you excited to write in 2023?
3. Where have you been holding yourself back, too afraid to take the first step into your highest destiny?
4. What is the price you (and others) are paying by you not taking that step forward?
5. Are you balancing your energy coming in and going out? If not, where is the imbalance and what can you do to shift it?
Wishing you a magical Solstice & New Moon!