Standing in Your Power with Leo

The creative inspiration that I’m feeling right now, is exciting and multifaceted.
Leo season is the perfect time to get a little messy, align with our joy and our hearts so we can create from our most authentic selves.
Like the pallet of a master painter (which I assume would be pretty messy ) we are experimenting and ‘painting’ our masterpiece of a life – with all the vibrant colours available to us.
This can feel fun and exciting! And so it should!
Remember to come back to our center, back to our body and back to nature in order to ground this wild creative energy (especially in times we may be feeling overwhelmed).
This is why creating our New Moon intentions are so important.
To come back to them when we feel misaligned, far from our truth, overwhelmed or confused about our path.
The day or two after a New Moon are still potent times to create and anchor in our New Moon intentions – so if you haven’t already done so, there’s still time 🙂
Find your inner lion / lioness and stand strong in this power.
Anchor in this inner power by declaring it in your New Moon intentions.
Own it. And no one will be able to knock you off course.
“No matter how the wind howls, the mountain cannot bow to it.” – the Emperor, from Mulan
(yes this quote us from a cartoon – I love Mulan! )
Lots of Love to All <3