The Illumination Process

One of our core shamanic healing practices is the Illumination Process. This is a process we do in every session except for when we only give a Decoupling to a client (we often do the Decoupling too in the basic sessions, but we offer this as a single session alone also).
We all have a Luminous Energy Field around our physical body. When our energy field is being depleted through stress, environmental pollution or illness, we become sick and suffer disease.
This luminous energy field contains an archive of all our personal and ancestral memories and stories, of all early life trauma, and even of painful wounds and traumas from past lives. These records are what we call imprints.
When these imprints within us are being activated, we are compelled towards behaviors, relationships, illnesses, accidents, and situations, which are very similar to the initial wounding in the imprint. We go through the same personal history over and over again on repeat.
When we carry these imprints in our LEF we are predisposed to follow certain pathways in our life. We attract people and situations that bring us heartache, drama, pain and trauma, and the imprints make us re-create the painful stories again and again, until we finally come to the point where it guides us to heal the ancient soul wounds and change the patterns we have walked in lifetime after lifetime.
In the illumination process we clear the imprints of trauma from your energy field and from the body. When we clear these imprints you can become free from dark, stale, heavy energies which lies in your energy field and often attaches itself to a vulnerable organ which can later become activated and express itself as heart disease, liver disease, kidney disease, etc.
These imprints are stale, heavy energies which are a result of trauma. Every imprint has a memory of a story from this trauma.
The illumination process is the core healing process in our shamanic energy medicine work. We always do this process in our sessions with a client. It is very, very powerful and an important process for your energy field, your body and overall health (mental, physical and emotional).
We clear these dark, heavy energies from your energy field through one of the chakras, and we check which chakra is linked to the imprint so we can clear it out and fill your energy field and chakra with luminous healing light and upgrade your energy field vibration again. We upgrade the information in your energy field and in this process we create a state of healing.
By bringing the darkness into the light, healing can occur by itself, and your energies will shift.
(Source: Alberto Villoldo – our teacher and mentor).