The Importance of Bumblebees

Bumblebee – the beautiful, fuzzy and hardworking little being. They are peaceful and kind creatures, with such an important life mission. Without these beautiful animals, our plant world and food resources would quickly collapse in many ways.
The bumblebee is larger than the Honeybee, but they don’t produce as much honey. Still they both have very important work, and like all living creatures in this wonderful world, they have their own meaning and mission here on earth.
The bumblebees are very important pollinators, as they are transferring pollen between the male and female flower parts. 2/3 of the world’s crop species depend on animals to transfer the pollen between the flowers, but the most important workers who have this important job are without a doubt the bees, because they are incredibly good at it.
This process is very important for the ecosystem and to help plants produce more fruits. We are completely dependent on this.
Because of their important pollination work, it can have severe consequences for the plants, crops and fruits. Several places in the world, many bee species have become extinct and the effect in the plant kingdom shows that clearly as many plants have disappeared or become less and less.
We can all help the beautiful bees and bumblebees. Keep plants growing in your garden or on your terrace from Spring to Autumn. That way they have enough food and resources throughout the seasons and this can help prevent loss of bees in the colonies.
Flowers are important for them in the spring and summer time, and some important flowers are Roses, Lavender, berry bushes, Sunflowers, and many more. They prefer yellow, blue and purple flowers.
You can also put out a little colorful flat plate or a spoon, with half water and half sugar (50/50) for them, as this becomes like nectar for them. You can also put a flower next to the sugar water too.
The bumblebees need a pretty high body temperature to fly, so if they become wet or cold, you might see them just sitting still and not move much for a while. This might seem a bit dramatic, but it’s just the way they save their energy and prolongs their life. When the bumblebee saves its energy this way, it goes halfway into a type of hibernation state where its biological clock goes slower.
You and your family can also build small houses/homes for them, that’s a nice project for everyone and the bees will be very happy with it too.
Lots of love <3