The Power of Words

“Words…So power! They can crush a heart, or heal it. They can shame a soul, or liberate it. They can shatter dreams, or energize them. They can obstruct connection, or invite it. They can create defenses, or melt them. We have to use words wisely.”
~ J. Brown
Words can hold such tremendous power. They can lift someone up and heal an aching wound, and bring joy and a smile to someone who really needs it.
Or, they can push someone down and cut them deep like a knife. And hurt them and make them question their own truths.
Words can be so powerful, and they can either be used as weapons to hurt or as a healing light given with love and compassion.
We use words everyday. To the people in our lives or a stranger on the street. We use words in texts, social media, comments we leave on other peoples posts, or how we speak and express ourselves.
But we also use thousands of words daily in our own mind and thoughts, the words we speak to ourselves. Are they kind, loving and compassionate? Like how you would speak to a loved one or your partner? Or, is it negative, full of criticism and hurtful words?
Many people complain all day long, which is a very negative energy and when we complain we use a lot of negative words which is usually filled with heavy energies and emotions.
Have you ever noticed how your life, and mental and emotional state changes when you stop complaining and using negative words?
Have you talked to yourself with loving words in the mirror instead of giving yourself hard and critical words?
Become conscious about the words you use, both to yourself and others, and you will start to see shifts happening in your life and energy. Because what we focus on, mentally and emotionally, we give energy to and manifest into our lives.
Always speak with kindness and from your heart. And before you speak/write, ask yourself these 3 important questions:
Is it TRUE?
Is it KIND?