Tips for the New Moon in Cancer

This season can have us feeling more emotional than usual, and out of alignment with our true nature. And that’s ok. Please remember to have compassion for yourself
When you feel ‘good’ and in alignment and in harmony – you are connected with yourself.
When you are out of harmony and not feeling like yourself, and distracted or overwhelmed, you are out of alignment, and that’s ok This happens to us all.
It’s a beautiful reminder that we need to do something to bring ourselves back into alignment.
Everything else is secondary.
Because, if we are not in alignment, we all make decisions, do things, say things that are not for our highest good or the highest good of all.
And we All get out of alignment
So know that this doesn’t only happen to you. It happens to me, it happens to your friends, your parents, the teachers & leaders you look up too…it happens to everyone.
And yet, not everyone is aware that it is happening – and that is the lesson we are all learning. To become more aware. To become the ‘witness’ to our own thoughts and feelings.
Cancer season doesn’t have to be a month of ‘tough love’ lessons – it depends on how much we align with our intuition and our heart knowings. The more we do that, the easier things become.
And none of this is to punish us in any way. It’s to support us in connecting back with our power, and with unconditional love, compassion and forgiveness for self and others.
The journey is different for everyone, depending on what our soul wanted to learn and experience in this life.
We have free will too – so the more we declare our sacred ‘yes’ in trusting our intuition and our heart, the easier our experience will be.
Just declaring and committing to trusting your intuition as an intention for this New Moon is a really powerful step. That plants a powerful seed and aligns you on a higher path
Love yourself, forgive yourself, take care of yourself, and create your New Moon intentions powerfully
Lots of Love to All