Virgo Season 2022

We are officially in Virgo season!
Yesterday, we left the fiery energies of Leo and entered the earthy realm of the Healer & High Priestess, Virgo.
As with all the zodiac signs, Virgo season brings with it higher expressions & lower expressions of the sign.
Virgo’s lower sides can come out as hyper critical of self & others, perfectionist tendencies, feelings of not being ‘good enough’ & overwhelm & burn out from overworking & over analyzing.
Higher expressions of Virgo are: aligning with your unique skills, passions and gifts & sharing them with others, for the highest good of all.
Virgo is very connected to mastering a skill and using it to be of highest service in the world.
To achieve this, Virgo devotes their time and energy to this higher purpose of service as they strive for perfection – using their powerful organization, research & planning skills with great precision and dedication to get as close to ‘perfect’ as possible.
When done with a heart full of love & joy, this is very powerful energy – as long as we remember that perfection will never be achieved, and that it’s the journey rather than the result that brings true fulfillment.
Remember that we are perfectly imperfect, and that we are inherently enough – exactly as we are
No need to prove ourselves to anyone.
Even if you are not a Virgo Sun, we all have Virgo energy somewhere in our chart – so it’s important to recognize the high and low sides of this sign, so we can consciously choose what vibration we align ourselves with.
Allow the passions, creative excitement and joy from Leo season to be brought back down to Earth with Virgo.
Connecting back to nature, grounding, working with crystals with intent and devotion as well as creating healthy and consistent routines are all ways to connect with the higher energies of this sign.
Allow your inner master healer, full of devotion, to come out during this Virgo season – and take you on a beautiful journey of healing the parts of yourself that need it the most right now.
So you can welcome back more of yourself home
More about Virgo energies will be posted through the next 4 weeks!
In love and devotion