Vogel Crystals & Fluid Extractions

This is one of the powerful tools we use in our Shamanic Energy Medicine work.
Vogel Crystals are specially cut, clear quartz crystals.
This one has 13 sides.
Clear Quartz holds powerful abilities to release draining, heavy and foreign energies.
We use this beautiful Crystal to clear out any foreign, fluid energies that may be stuck in a client’s energy field, and affecting them negatively.
Fluid energies are foreign energies that don’t belong to the person, and become stuck in a their energetic field / aura. If not removed for some time, they can even turn into denser, crystallized energies within the auric field.
This can show up in many different ways, depending on the foreign energy. One way to tell is if you ‘don’t feel yourself’ and have been acting out of character, or if you feel blocked in life and seem to repeat the same self sabotaging patterns / behaviours.
Sometimes these energies have been with us for many years.
This is nothing to fear, but it’s definitely supportive to have these energies removed so you can get back to your own energetic frequency again.
We track your energy field to locate any fluid energies / entities, and then guide this foreign energy from your energy field into the Crystal.
Later, we release this foreign energy from the Crystal in a releasing ceremony. This foreign energy is then guided by the Lineage into its highest place of healing.
All we do, we do with Love.
We follow this with an Illumination – clearing out the chakra holding the energetic imprint that attracted this foreign energy in the first place. We then bring in high frequency, cleansing light into the chakra and rebalance it so you won’t attract a similar energy in the future.
If you feel called to learn more and book a session with Madelene and/or Amanda, you can connect by messaging us directly.
Lots of Love to All <3