What You Focus On, You Create More Of

“Don’t break a bird’s wings and then tell it to fly.
Don’t break a heart and then tell it to love.
Don’t break a soul and then tell it to be happy.
Don’t see the worst in a person and expect them to see the best in you.
Don’t judge people and expect them to stand by your side.
Don’t play with fire and expect to stay safe.
Life is about giving and taking. You cannot expect to give bad and receive good. You cannot expect to give hate and receive love. So if you’re willing to see positive change in your life, you must be willing to be that change itself.” -Najwa Zebian
Are you aware of what you send out? How you think, feel and act?
The energies you send out is what you will receive back in your life, so if you focus on complaining, negativity and hate, your vibration will be low and therefor you will receive more of those things which matches that energy and vibration.
So, if you’re focused on feeling unhappy or in lack, this is the energy you send out, and therefor this is what you will receive more of in return.
You can shift this and raise your vibrations. You can shift your thoughts, feelings and actions too.
A thought will always create a feeling, which again will create more of those thoughts, which again becomes stronger feelings. Then it will become actions and if you repeat this over time, it will become habits and then your personality.
Example: you think an anxious thought, which will give you a feeling of anxiety. That feeling will make you think more anxious thoughts which again creates more feelings of anxiety in your body. And so the spiral goes.
Everything in this universe is energy. So what do you focus on, positivity or negativity?
You can shift your life, your energy, your health and your vibrations. And you can create the life you want. If you are not creating, life will just happen for you, and things might appear in your life then that you don’t want. Because you are not creating your own life and becoming the Hero of your own beautiful journey.
We will talk more about all this, manifestation, energies, quantum physics, Energy Medicine and so much more 🙂
Lots of love <3